All courses consider the following

  • Stage 1 – awareness and learning basis
  • Stage 2 – Practical development by the applicant, some examples and challenges to resolve including framework setup and server preparations
  • Stage 3 – Build real project based on applicant need.

Applicant requirements.

  • As the aim is to have real project implementation, we will start with the applicants from scratch, an evaluation will be executed to add more materials to the applicant’s course.
  • Applicants can switch among courses upon need and management approval.

Courses time-frame

  • Stage 1 – 2 to 4 weeks (flexible schedule upon management approval)
  • Stage 2 – 1 month (can be expanded upon applicants need)
  • Stage 3 – Depend on the project type, our commitment is 6-12 months, and to be designed upon applicants and the management approval.

Courses prices

  • Our prices depends on the total number of hours, courses complexity and applicants need.