Billing system for telecom and ISPs
Business Support Solutions BSS, is the cash cow to all business, it’s a critical platform, understanding the concept of billing will be the key success factor to a successful telecom & ISP businesses
Automation concept and Government requirements
The meaning of automation and its origin and the best practice for the large enterprises considering the long-term development, stability and continuity. This course will help you plan and develop in proper way
Front end and backend programming frameworks
The large scale of development need special consideration in terms of what type of tools to be considered, the latest vs the legacy techniques and tools. The open-source vs the paid services, the cloud and on premises. All these subject will pave the way for you to start building
business Support Solutions BSS, is the cash cow to all business, it’s a critical platform, understanding the concept of billing will be the key success factor to a successful telecom & ISP businesses
Social media interfaces and business verifications
The rise of social media platforms and the large number of users engagement with it bring different infrastructure requirements a part of the email and business website domains. This course will learn you how to position the business properly using the social media platforms.
Quality of Services measurements, for ISP and telecoms
The best way to measure the internet service provider maturity and quality of service by measuring certain aspects of the internet provided to the end users. This course is dedicated to the telecom and ISP operation support team.
API designing and implementation concepts.
The API development is the key success factor for companies to have best programming and application development approach, separating the business logic from the presentation logic using the layers-based development process in addition to the best technologies used.. This course will give you all the information in this concept.
The mobile Apps development using Flutter concepts
The beauty of mobile apps development, the flexibility and faster learning curve, using Flutter. Understanding the concept of programming using this tools is the first point for self learning.
Microsoft Azure, Amazon web services AWS platforms understandings
Microsoft Azure and AWS infrastructure offers large number of services, workflows, DB and applications that help many business to start over. The course will be designed for the best application offered by theses platforms.
Conversational, messaging and chatting app development
Full stack development for chatting applications with security encryption. Considering the high load data. This course will guide you with the best practices to be considered and the type of technologies to be used to get such application developed.
All courses consider the following
- Stage 1 – awareness and learning basis
- Stage 2 – Practical development by the applicant, some examples and challenges to resolve including framework setup and server preparations
- Stage 3 – Build real project based on applicant need.
Applicant requirements.
- As the aim is to have real project implementation, we will start with the applicants from scratch, an evaluation will be executed to add more materials to the applicant’s course.
- Applicants can switch among courses upon need and management approval.
Courses time-frame
- Stage 1 – 2 to 4 weeks (flexible schedule upon management approval)
- Stage 2 – 1 month (can be expanded upon applicants need)
- Stage 3 – Depend on the project type, our commitment is 6-12 months, and to be designed upon applicants and the management approval.
Courses prices
- Our prices depends on the total number of hours, courses complexity and applicants need.